Geography essay help
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Trade Reform, Adjustment, and Growth
Exchange Reform, Adjustment, and Growth The Focus of the Article Economic investigators thoroughly analyze the financial development of one country with another with the target of inferring conceivable clarification of their differentiating development execution and apply the hearty discoveries as suggestions to the creating nations. The differentiating variable that the examiners have distinguished is the â€Å"openness to the global trade†(Greenaway, Morgan Wright 1547).Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Trade Reform, Adjustment, and Growth explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is certain connection between's the open exchange and the financial development as experimentally exhibited in the created nations. This finding has activated exchange changes the creating nations with the World Bank starting and supporting the exchange changes through its Structural Adjustment Program. The political will is vital for legitimate execution of the strategies in exchange changes given t he method of reasoning that â€Å"†¦there gives off an impression of being long haul relationship among execution and transparency and on the off chance that an economy is directly moderately shut, at that point progression is a fundamental extension to turning out to be more open†(Greenaway, Morgan Wright 1547). Henceforth, one of the indispensable elements to receptiveness is the advancement of the exchange. Distinctive financial investigators have utilized various methodologies and models to explain the effect of exchange advancement to the development of the economy. The greatest test is the ID of the exact model that will give vigorous proof since progression is exceptionally questionable in the perspective on monetary and exchange changes. The monetary investigators can utilize one or numerous methodologies in the recognizable proof of the exchange progression. Strategy accounts is the essential proportion of recognizing freedom as far as the strategies however it has a mishap of poor execution of arrangements in this way require the back up from different measures. A relative value change is another measure that has a unit of exchange system inclination, which can substitute exchange advancement with time. The yield based measure is extremely wide and can coordinate progressively superfluous markers. Numerous monetary investigators have neglected to introduce the unmistakable elements of the progression on the grounds that â€Å"†¦there are no straight forward pointers of advancement. For these explanation various examiners have utilized numerous measures to distinguish freedom scenes, some conventionally some judgmentally†(Greenaway, Morgan Wright 1550).The utilization of different rules approach gives an away from of the progression multifaceted design. The Evidence The observational confirmations have demonstrated that the monetary development relies upon the advancement, fares, and exchange direction. On account of progress ion, the appraisal and assessment has been drawn closer in two different ways, in the midst of difficulties, for example, previous approaches, other arrangement shifts, and the idea of the economy. Crosscountry is the principal approach that has been utilized by the entomb alia World Bank and has two parts of appraisal: ‘with-without’ and ‘before-after.’Advertising Looking for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Assessment utilizing ‘with-without’ involves taking of case and control investigations of an example of nations and doing relative examinations to find out whether there is noteworthiness distinction in monetary development in this way crediting to the exchange changes. ‘Before-after’ evaluation is like the ‘with-without’ aside from that it has a scope of time regarding a very long time when appraisal. Time arrangement is the second methodology that utilizes monetary boundaries, for example, auxiliary alteration credits, venture, and fares in the investigation of freedom. These examinations have affirmed that, â€Å"liberalization is a panacea; its outcome into a progressively quick development of fares, increasingly fast development of genuine GDP †¦without genuine transitional expenses in joblessness, and †¦without huge consequences for the government’s financial position†(Greenaway, Morgan Wright 1552). The vagueness of the relationship between's exchange changes and monetary development challenge the above end that the freedom is a panacea of financial development. The irregularity and equivocalness of the outcomes demonstrating relationship of exchange changes and monetary development can be credited to the over aggressive program configuration, low flexibly flexibility, and poor usage of the program and the utilization of differed measures and models. To locate the reliable and strong outcomes, differed proportions of progression, huge example of nations and a standard center development model was utilized. The outcomes got show that â€Å"the development improving impacts of progression are probably not going to be momentary: an away from of a J bend impact which is predictable across tests and proportions of liberalization†(Greenaway, Morgan Wright 1558). For the monetary development to be exponentially huge, it requires a drawn out time of years. The Implications The investigations of exchange changes and monetary development have exactly demonstrated that progression and receptiveness have long haul huge effect on the development of the economy. The recognizable proof of variables that comprises progression and appraisal of advancement sway on the financial development has been so dubious and equivocal. The uncertainty and debate was because of the conflicting outcomes from various financial experts that made it hard to give decisi ve outcomes. The irregularity of the outcomes was ascribed to the contrasting measures and models of assessing and surveying progression. This investigation acquired hearty and reliable outcomes since it used variable advancement measures and standard center development model. The examination have decisively indicated that the exchange arrangements and changes fundamental for monetary development are unpredictably connected to the receptiveness, advancement and other frustrating variables, for example, correspondence, innovation and transportation. Greenaway, David, Wyn Morgan and Peter, Wright. â€Å"Trade Reform, Adjustment andAdvertising We will compose a custom report test on Trade Reform, Adjustment, and Growth explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Growth: What Does the Evidence Tell Us?†The Economic Journal 108 (1998): 1547-1561
Saturday, August 22, 2020
King Report on Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Lord Report on Corporate Governance - Essay Example This additionally requires an increasingly straightforward exposure by business elements of their set up administration rehearses in their yearly reports. Such detailing necessities are not constrained distinctly to open organizations however even the privates organizations are likewise expected to follow perceived administration arrangements and report consequently. A few activities have been taken to coordinate and arrange various standards of corporate administration and show up at a lot of unequivocal rules. These activities were embraced by different orgnisations and boards including the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development. A portion of different associations and councils whose reports are utilized to shape the rules are: Out of the above reports this paper imagines making a basic survey of the King Report 2002 and furthermore makes a similar investigation of the Kings Report with The OECD standards on Corporate Governance - 1999. This is the focal topic on which the King (II) Report is developed. The King (II) Report distributed in the year 2002 was set up by 'task groups' comprised of agents from institutional and private financial specialists, common society controllers, and government authorities. Along these lines the report planned to get the view purposes of a wide range of partners in to the report. The King II Committee itself was made out of 'driving advocates' of corporate administration just as 'agents of huge expert, private and open part foundations'. Neighborhood and global meeting was 'broad', with the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa giving a 'facilitative job' and secretarial help (Armstrong et al2005). Lord (II) contains CODE OF Corporate Practices and Conduct ('the code') and the report's suggestions are appropriate to all organizations recorded in Johannesburg Stock Exchange and a few other open and private associations including certain administration associations. Ruler II Report contains proposals relating the accompanying six territories of corporate administration: The job and duties of the Board and Directors: The report suggests rules for fixing the responsibility of the top managerial staff by reclassifying the obligations of the chiefs towards all the inward and outer partners including the investors The part of Risk Management: In request to accomplish the hierarchical objective of riches creation and furthermore to support the development of the organization it is significant for the board to follow perceived standards of hazard the executives. The capacity of inward review: The report recognizes the basic job of an inner
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Identify, Avoid, and Report a Government Grant Scam
How to Identify, Avoid, and Report a Government Grant Scam How to Identify, Avoid, and Report a Government Grant Scam How to Identify, Avoid, and Report a Government Grant ScamIf you find it hard to believe that the government has decided to give you a bunch of money totally out of the blue, youre halfway home.In theory, everyone would love to get a phone call saying they’ve earned free money. But in practice, these aren’t phone calls that anyone likes to receive. Why? Because they’re almost certainly a scam. Someone’s trying to steal your hard-earned cash or even your identity.There are tons of ways that scammers can try to trick people, and they’re inventing more every day. On this blog, we’ve talked about almost two dozen types of scams, including payday loan call scams, online dating scams, and even reverse mortgage scams. Today, we’ll cover another type of scam you might not be familiar with: the “government grant†scam. Here’s how it works What is a government grant scam?Lisa Schiller is the Director of Investigations and Media Relations for the Better Business Bureau Ser ving Wisconsin. According to Schiller, here are the four traits that the majority of government grant scams have in common:“Advertisements or callers claim that you qualify to receive a free grant.“Callers may claim they are from a government agency or other organization and promises your grant is guaranteed to be accepted and that youll never have to pay it back.“They may use official-sounding names (such as ‘The Federal Grants Administration’).“They may congratulate you on your eligibility.then ask for your checking account number so that they can ‘deposit your free grant directly into your account.’ Or they may ask you to cover a ‘one-time fee.’â€Of course, within this basic framework, there are many different ways that the scammer can try to work you over. Here are three such examples.Via social media.From Schiller:Very recently, a grant scam was circulating on Facebook. Consumers reported they were approached on Facebook by users sharing links for free U.S. government grants. In the end, the grants dont exist and the messages were really attempts to steal personal information and money.The scam generally worked like this: You receive either a new friend request along with a message or a message from a current friend detailing information on free grant money from the government.Often times the message will list other Facebook users who have successfully received the money in an attempt to convince you theyre legitimate. The message may include a link to a law office or phony government website.Its possible the scammers might even include a real government website to appear legitimate. In the end, youll be asked for personal information and a payment for processing fees.The BBB believes scammers love to use social media because messages are perceived to be friendlier and more personal than requests via email.Over the phone.This example comes courtesy of lawyer, professor, and identity theft expert Steve Weisman, author of the Scamicide (@Scamicide) blog:“Recently there has been an upswing in telephone scams involving phony federal grants. The scam begins with a telephone call from someone purporting to be from the Federal Grant Educational Department, US Grant Commission or some other real or phony government agency informing you that you are eligible for a substantial federal grant.“Your caller ID may even support the scam by indicating that indeed the call is from a federal agency, however, caller ID can be fooled by a technique called spoofing to make an illegitimate call appear genuine.“What you are told that you need to do in order to receive your money varies somewhat from scammer to scammer, but generally involves you paying a transfer fee or application fee before they can send you the money. Some scammers request your bank account number so that they can electronically deposit your check.“This is a scam and any payment you make to the scammer is lost forever and you do not receive anything in re turn. If you provide your bank account number, you will soon find your bank account emptied by the scammer.â€Through email.And lastly, any scam that can be run by phone and via social media is almost certainly being run through email as well. Justin Lavelle, a scams prevention expert and Chief Communications Officer at (@BeenVerified) explains:“Scammers will often send out a mass fake email made to look like they are from the federal government. The email will say that the recipient has won a free U.S. grant to cover education costs, home repairs, business expenses, or unpaid bills.“The email or message usually lists a toll-free number the reader must call for information. The recipient will then be asked to either wire funds for a processing fee or provide their bank account details so that the fee can be withdrawn.â€What happens when you email them your personal account info? The same thing that happens when you send it via Facebook Messenger or over the p hone. Your money disappears, and possibly your identity as well.How to identify a government grant scam.Ask anyone whos applied for a government grant, and they can tell you that they’re pretty tough to get. So what are the odds that you, a person who never applied for one, are not only eligible but very likely to be approved?Exactly. Lavelle explains the warning signs:“If you didn’t apply for a grant, chances are it’s a scam. Real grant programs do not find eligible recipients. If you are asked to pay a fee, such as an application fee, chances are it’s a scam.“Grant applications are free. They are publicly funded and sourced at the federal or state/county level. Any government grant, claiming to be for school or living expenses is not a legitimate grant. U.S. grants for a business are awarded to benefit that company.“If the agency contacting you says they are from the Federal Grants Administration, it’s a scam. That office doesn’t exist.“If you are asked, by the caller, to provide your bank account information, it’s a scam. If this occurs, ask the caller to provide you with a written proposal.Whatever the format,†says Weisman, “the claim is that your grant application is guaranteed acceptance and you will never be asked to pay back the money. In addition, the scammer will congratulate you on your eligibility.â€â€œNext, you will be asked to provide your checking account information so that your grant may be directly deposited into your checking account. You may also be asked to provide those account details or wire money to cover a processing fee,†says Weisman.If you’re not sure that the offer is a scam, this request should clear things up. But it’s not the only thing warning sign that sticks out There is no Federal Grants Administration.We know that we already said this, but it bears repeating. This isn’t so much a red flag as a brick wall. The second you run into it, everything should come to screeching halt.From Weisma n:Scammers sometimes say that they are from the Federal Grants Administration, but in truth, there is no such entity. Government grants are not easy to get and if you have to pay money to obtain a free grant, it isn’t free. The government does not charge for lists of grant providers.Weisman even goes onto name the places that people can go for government aid:If you are truly interested in information about federal grants, the only place to go is the federal government’s grant website of looking for legitimate information about grants, loans and other financial aid information for higher education can go to the federal government’s website about federal loans for housing, disaster relief, education, and veterans benefits can be found at the federal government’s website, for information about a range of other federal benefits for which you may be eligible, you can go to the federal governmentâ €™s website to foil a government grant scammer.Schiller provides a very helpful list of tips, some of which apply to any kind of scam:Dont give out your bank account or personal information to strangers.Dont blindly trust your current Facebook friends. They may have been hacked. If the message seems out of character, contact them offline.Dont believe everything youre told. Just because someone says they are from the Federal Grants Administration, doesnt mean that they are. Be aware that there may be no such agency and take time to check it out. Websites are easily spoofed and faked. *Real government websites end in .gov.Phone numbers can deceive. Con artists use spoofing to disguise ID systems. You cannot trust your caller ID.Check to see what scams are being reported in your neighborhood (or any neighborhood)â€"and also report scams and fraud whether youve been a victim or not.“To reduce the volume of telemarketing calls you get,†says Lavelle, “add your phone number to the National Do Not Call Registry. You can do so online at or via phone at 1-888-382-1222.If you get scammed, report it!“If you feel you have become the victim of a grant scam,†says Schiller, “file a complaint with the BBB (if you have an address) or post your experience on our Scam Tracker (if you dont have an address) or report it to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the FBI IC3.According to Schiller, The BBB Scam Tracker can also be a great resource to research government grant scams:“There have been 6,056 scams reported to Scam Tracker in the last three years regarding government grants. You can do a simple search on the home page (link above) and you can even find real examples that you can use.If you want to try to talk to some of the consumers that submitted this type of scam (or any scam) simply click on view on the individual submission and then click at the bottom Law enforcement or media? Inquire about this report.'You can also s earch for scams on Weisman’s Scamicide blog. Meanwhile, Lavelle has more information on how to contact the right government watchdogs:“If you suspect that you’ve been a victim of a government grant scam, you can file an online complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at this link. You may also file a complaint by calling toll-free at 1-877-FTC-HELP.“The Health and Human Services Fraud Hotline will also accept reports of grant scams. The number to call is 1-800-447-8477.â€Don’t let a scammer get their hands on your hard-earned cash. Know the warning signs and then make sure to report their behavior; even if you keep yourself safe, you don’t want them victimizing another innocent person either.To learn more about protecting yourself from scams, check out these related posts and articles from OppLoans:10 Common Scams: How They Work and How to Avoid ThemDon’t Let Fake Debt Collectors Scam You Out of Money You Don’t OweHow Can You Tell if a Job Offer is a Scam?Never T rust and Always Verify: How to Avoid Email ScamsBeware These Scams That Target SeniorsHave you ever been contacted by a government grant scammer? We want to hear from you! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsJustin Lavelle is a Scams Prevention Expert and the Chief Communications Officer of (@BeenVerified). BeenVerified is a leading source of online background checks and contact information. It helps people discover, understand and use public data in their everyday lives and can provide peace of mind by offering a fast, easy and affordable way to do background checks on potential dates. BeenVerified allows individuals to find more information about people, phone numbers, email addresses and property records.Lisa Schiller is the Director of Investigations and Media Relations for the Better Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin. She holds a B.A. in Communications and a B.S. in Criminal Justice from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She has spent her career in the field of consumer issues, fraud and scams, white collar crime matters and investigating. At the BBB, she’s working to advance marketplace trust between buyers and sellers and promoting informed buying decisions. Lisa won Honorable Mention for an investigation by the Council of BBB in 2012 and first place for a single case investigation by the Council of BBB in 2013. She is a member of the Wisconsin Fraud Investigators Association (WAFI), The North American Consumer Protection Investigators (NACPI), the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI), the Franklin Police Citizens Academy Alumni, and the F.B.I. Citizens Academy Alumni.Steve Weisman is a lawyer, college professor at Bentley University and author. He is one of the country’s leading experts in identity theft. His most recent book is “Identity Theft Alert.†He also writes the blog (@Scamicide) where he provides daily updated information about the latest scams and identity theft schemes.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Swot Analysis - 837 Words
Safaricom Ltd. SWOT Analysis Author’s name Institution Abstract This paper expounds on results from a SWOT analysis of Safaricom Ltd, a leading mobile network company in Kenya. This basically describes a research conducted to determine the company’s achievements, limitations, opportunities and challenges. Brief information on the history, management and major undertakings of the company since it was started are among issues outlined in this paper in a bid to enhance better understanding of the company’s profile and the analysis of its performance. This paper solely focuses on the analysis that reveals what makes the company tick, what weaknesses it exhibits, as well as its opportunities and possible threats. Introduction†¦show more content†¦(Reddick, 2010).The service has proved to be the perfect consolidation between mobile phones and banks for different business strategies, considering the veritable convenience of being able to manage a bank account, pay bills and engage in innumerable financial transactions at the touch of a button.(Zavoral, 2011) The company has consistently made remarkable growth at a rate of more than 20% in a relatively short time span of only 14 years, denoting its stability. The company made an unmatchable profit of 370 million USD in 2007 making it the biggest gainer in the East African region. The company has maintained a massive subscriber base and built its reputation by providing reliable services consistently. It has also become popular among its clients by being actively involved in corporate social responsibility projects that seek to empower the populace both socially and economically especially through sports and games. Its corporate colour, green, which is associated with a season of abundance, coupled with its involvement in environmental conservation has been pivotal in luring clients. (Githinji, 2010) Weaknesses. Although the company won many clients during its debut years of operation due to its pricing strategy of per second billing, when its only rival by then, Kencell, embraced per minute billing, the company’s call rates are currently the highestShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Swot And Swot Analysis738 Words  | 3 Pagesknown as SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is business analysis method that business can use for each of its department when deciding on the most perfect way to increase their business and future growth. This procedure identifies the internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are in the markets. SWOT analysis helps you decide your position against your competitors, identifies best future opportunities, and highlight current and future threats. SWOT analysis is an acronymRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Swot Analysis : Swot1223 Words  | 5 PagesOnStar – SWOT Analysis To help OnStar determine if home monitoring services should be added to its list of products and services, a SWOT analysis should be completed. A SWOT analysis is a situation analysis or tool used to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization (SWOT Analysis Definition | Investopedia, 2005). Thus, it is a basic straightforward model that determines what an organization, like OnStar, can and cannot do, as well as determines its opportunitiesRead MoreSwot Analysis Of Swot Analysis : Swot911 Words  | 4 Pages SWOT Analysis In the article â€Å"SWOT analysis†Harmon (2015) offered a definition for SWOT analysis, the purpose of the SWOT analysis, the advantages of performing a SWOT analysis, and outlined and discussed the four components of the SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is a planning and brainstorming tool that helps people evaluate an idea or project for a business or formulate a business plan (Harmon, 2015). It should be noted that SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, OpportunitiesRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot1081 Words  | 5 PagesSWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis (SWOT matrix) first used by Stanford Research Institute during 1960-1970 and it was presented by Mr. Albert S. Humphrey a American business and management consultant by using data from fortune 500 companies. We can succeed in our life if we use our talents to our full extent. Similarly, we‘ll have some problems if we know our weakness are, and if we manage these weaknesses so that we don’t matter in the work we do. To understand more about our self and our externalRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Swot1708 Words  | 7 Pages A SWOT analysis is â€Å"a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a business venture.†( analysis, 03/11/14). A swot analysis can also be used to examine a person’s attributes. The strengths and weaknesses usually are internal factors whereas threats and opportunities are mainly external. Advantage Disadvantage Internal Strengths 1. Self-motivated 2. I am organised; accurate and pay attentionRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot2320 Words  | 10 PagesSWOT analysis focuses on the internal factors which are the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors which are the opportunities and threats which are gained from situational analysis, which focuses on summarizing all the pertinent information acquired about the key three environments of internal, customer, and external (Ferrell Hartline, 2014, p. 39). A SWOT analysis further gives a company precise advantages and disadvantages in satisfying the needs of its selectedRead MoreSwot Analysis : A Swot852 Words  | 4 PagesStrength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, commonly known as a SWOT analysis is used by businesses. Organizations use the SWOT analysis technique to figure out and understand their areas of strong suits (strengths), their inevitable flaws (weaknesses), prospects that the organization could look into (opportunities) a nd things that pose as intimidations to the organization (threats). There are many obstacles to overcome when it comes to international expansion. Obstacles such as; language andRead MoreSwot Analysis : Swot And Swot1957 Words  | 8 PagesSWOT analysis focuses on the internal factors which are the company’s strengths and weaknesses as well as the external factors which are the opportunities and threats which are gained from situational analysis which focuses on summarizing all the pertinent information acquired about the key three environments of internal, customer, and external (Ferrell Hartline, 2014, p. 39). A SWOT analysis further gives a company precise advantages and disadvantages in satisfying the needs of its selected marketsRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Swot1215 Words  | 5 PagesThe SWOT analysis was originally introduced by Andrews Christiansen, Guth and Learned in 1969 and its basic organizing principles have remained largely unchanged in the field of str ategic management. [BADEN-FULLER, C. H. A. R. L. E. S., STOPFORD, J. (2002). The Firm Matters More than the Industry. Strategy for Business: A Reader, 123.] It is a systematic framework which helps managers to develop their business strategies by appraising their internal and external determinants of their organization’sRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Swot1888 Words  | 8 PagesThe SWOT analysis, a strategic planning tool was developed by Albert Humphrey in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Albert is said to have come up with this strategic planning tool through the use of data the Fortune 500 companies in the United States of America at that time (Lancaster Massingham, 2011). A SWOT analysis determines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which are a relevant part of any organization especially the ones that get involved in new ventures. This tool assists the users
Thursday, May 14, 2020
An Explosion Of Fear Of The Atomic Bomb - 1991 Words
An Explosion of Fear The Atomic Bomb is a cause of fear, and was a bomb whose creation was pushed by fear, whose decision to be dropped was in part for its psychological effects, and whose meaning has sparked fear in those that made it, and those who know of its power. The fear surrounding the bomb is a unique one that came in a series of waves. The fear was first limited to a specific group of individuals, such as government and military officials, but then made its way to larger groups until the fear became so widespread it was shared among the larger general population. The fear surrounding the Atomic Bomb began with a small group of individuals who feared that the Germans would acquire the Atomic Bomb, as they already had a head start down the path to doing so. If the Germans were to acquire the bomb, it would have surely meant victory for them and serious consequences for those who opposed them in WWII. With the fear of German acquisition of the bomb now on the horizon, the Unit ed States had reason to begin their quest for the Atomic Bomb. The creation of the Atomic Bomb would change war like never before. Distance would no longer be a problem in effective bombing, and war would be short as a result (Brodie 25-26). The way such a bomb could change war was appealing but only if you were on the right side of the bomb. It was the scientist’s first objective to acquire the Atomic Bomb before the Germans, and their second objective was to prevent the nuclear arms raceShow MoreRelatedThe First Atomic Bomb Of The United States1249 Words  | 5 PagesGermany’s threat to create the first atomic bomb. Since the United States was not in the war at the time, they did not consider the reality of the threat and did nothing to stop it. However, on March 7, 1940, Einstein sent yet another warning to the United States, urging them to consider development of this dangerous weapon. After agreeing to start manufacturing the bomb, it then became a race to crea te it (â€Å"The First Atomic Bomb†). The initiative for creating the bomb came from Dr. Leo Szilard. SzilardRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb1584 Words  | 7 Pagesthe choice to drop the atomic bomb or to attempt more land invasions was a choice that shaped the outcome of the war. There were major influences and side effects from the dropping of the atomic bomb and what it did to the country of Japan. Having the option and the weight of the moral decision weighing on Truman’s shoulders about what decision should be made, he was the only one who was capable of making the decision that shaped the outcome of the war. Having dropped the bomb on Japan, as a statementRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb Of The United States Essay1748 Words  | 7 Pagesthe first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This atomic bomb testing would forever change the meaning of war. As the atomic bomb was detonated it sent shock-waves all over the world. There was endless research done on the bomb in the United States. The research w as called The Manhattan Engineer District Project but it was more commonly known as The Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was brought by fear of Germany and its atomic research. On account of the fear of GermanyRead MoreThe Manhattan Project1519 Words  | 7 PagesThe process of building the two atomic bombs was long and hard. The Manhattan project employed 120,000 people, and cost almost $2 billion. Although there were 120,000 Americans working on the project only a select group of scientist knew of the atomic bomb development. Vice president Truman never knew about the development of the bombs until he became president. The axis powers did not know what was going on with the development of the atomic bomb; there was a soviet spy in the project. The sovietRead More Atomic Bomb Essay example1218 Words  | 5 Pagesdeclared war on the United States. This was nine months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. In September of that year, Groves, met with Leo Szilard and asked him if making the atomic bomb was possible. Leo told him how an atomic bomb would work, but also that it is impossible to build. General Groves only wanted to hear that an atomic bomb was conceivable in theory and then he knew to start the project. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In October of 1942 Groves went to California to meet with Robert OppenheimerRead MoreHiroshima, By John Hersey1496 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Hersey once said, â€Å"What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the sense of fear of specific weapons, so much as it s been memory. The memory of what happened at Hiroshima†. Early morning on August the 6th 1945, the United Sates dropped atomic bombs into the city of Hiroshima, Japan. The â€Å"Little Boy†bomb which was equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT, destroyed most of the city and killed about 130,000 people. There were few people who survived after thisRead MoreHiroshima Book Review Essay887 Words  | 4 Pagesjournalist narrative, Hiroshima focuses on the detonation of the atomic bomb, Little Boy, that dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Although over one hundred thousand people died in the dropping of the bomb, there were also several surv ivors. John Hersey travelled to Hiroshima to listen to the experiences of six survivors. Hersey uses his book to tell the story of six of these survivors (spanning from the morning the bomb fell to forty years later) through a compilation of interviewsRead MoreEssay on Manhattan Project1664 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch for the first Atomic bomb was done in the United States, by a group of the best scientists; this research was given the name of amp;quot;The Manhattan Projectamp;quot;. On Monday July 16th, 1945, a countdown for the detonation of the first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This atomic bomb testing would forever change the meaning of war. As the atomic bomb was detonated it sent shock-waves all over the world. There was endless research done on the bomb in the United StatesRead MoreNuclear Weapons Nuclear Warfare Essay1052 Words  | 5 Pages Throughout half the century of the 19’s hundreds a period of new advancements in the creations of a bomb had arisen. On August 8th, 1939 President Roosevelt received a letter from Albert Einstein which ended up being the fundamental support in the creation of the Atomic Bomb. There are two types of atomic bombs fusion and fission, the first atomic bomb was created in 1939 by the Manhattan Project, three weeks later after its first test, it was used in an actual war. It’s capableRead MoreEffects of the Bombing of Hiroshima779 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is the purpose of an atomic bomb? It’s a weapon that when detonated, can produce massive amounts of heat and radiation, and dropping one of these devices on a city has the potential to kill and maim hundreds of thousands of people. An estimated 150,000 to 246,000 Japanese citizens from the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki died from two atomic bombs in 1945 (Frequently Asked Questions). Those who survived the bombings had a greater chance of developing various kinds of cancers and diseases, which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Camp B Sir Jack s Problem Essay - 819 Words
Camp B was Sir Jack s problem, he had the forces from Minos with him, along with the sword maiden Josie. Jack s task was going to be harder than the others, he was supposed to capture at least one of the snorpians alive for questioning. Right now he was in waiting mode, his forces were concealed in the woods between camp B and the snorpian s main base. Camp B was where the pregnant females were being kept, Jack had no desire to rush in their with waving swords and have to fight his way through a multitude of abused females. Some slaves ran by from the direction of the main base and Jack let them pass by unmolested, maybe they would try to reinforce the main base and he could strike out at the snorpians when they passed by, enabling him to avoid direct contact with most of the females. Jack waited an hour and there was no sign that these snorpians had any intention of going to the aid of their fellows. He had no choice now he s have to advance to camp B. He gave the necessary orders and his forces surrounded the camp. The females stood at the perimeter waiting for them with weapons poised, this was going exactly the way Jack didn t want it to. Jack said, â€Å"I m going to try and talk to them, see if I can get them to stand down.†Josie said, â€Å"I don t think that s a good idea. If I was in their shoes, I would be very angry with the entire male gender. They ve been raped, forced to carry the offspring of their rapists and the males of their kind have failed to rescueShow MoreRelatedIntroduction : How ve He Do That?10829 Words  | 44 Pagesand relatable. Without a doubt I appreciated every little thing that occurred with Aslan after this realization, in the rest of the series. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Thanks giving Dinner free essay sample
Many people yearn for various types of holiday events. These events may be in the summer, fall, winter, or spring time. Some find carving a pumpkin exciting, others enjoy hunting for eggs delightful, and even wearing green to be suspenseful. Considering the fact these are very popular holiday events, there is one I enjoy the most. Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite holiday event, because I enjoy setting the table, reuniting with family members, and eating all the delicious food. First, to initially start this gathering, I enjoy setting the table while dinner is being cooked. Nevertheless, the preparation time takes about five hours. For years, it has been a tradition for me to set the table. First, I place the burnt orange table cloth on the Maplewood table. Then I get the dinnerware out of the china cabinet. After washing the silverware, plates and cups, I place them in the correct order on the table. We will write a custom essay sample on Thanks giving Dinner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lastly, I set the centerpiece on the table for the final touches. The table is now ready to be eaten on. The process of setting the table helps me feel helpful, and it makes Thanksgiving one of the best holidays because that is one less thing my mother and grandmother have to worry about. Next, reuniting with my family members during holiday events is always breath taking. Around this time, the seasoned and the new family members, come around and give an update of the latest news. This is where all the emotions take place. Sometimes, there is laughter and maybe even crying, but at the end of the day, there is always joy. Therefore, I would never trade hearing stories that have been passed down throughout our generations. Some of the stories taught me lessons, while others made me proud. However, it leaves me with a smile on my face. For this reason, being reunited with my family makes Thanksgiving Dinner so rare because that is when the whole family gathers around instead of the immediate family. Finally, it is now time for me and my family members to eat all of the delicious food my grandmother has prepared. Each year my grandmother makes my favorite meal. As a matter of fact, she made it large enough for everybody to take a plate home. This meal consists of turkey, ham, macaroni and cheese, yams, and dressing. Her specialty is greens and cornbread. My grandmother also makes plenty of dessert. Even though I may be full, I reach for another bite, knowing my eyes are bigger than my stomach. After it is all said and done my stomach is happy. My grandmother’s cooking is just like a food paradise. I like the food at Thanksgiving more than the food at other holidays because it seems more as a feast than a regular dinner. To close, Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite holiday event because I enjoy setting the table. Also, reuniting with my family members brings joy to my heart. Finally, eating all the delicious food my grandmother prepared leaves me and my stomach with a big smile. Therefore, these are the reasons Thanksgiving Dinner is my favorite holiday event.
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